What stage is £eith Chooses at, now?

Well! Tying up loose ends and ramping up for next year, in a nutshell.

Since April, all last year’s monies have been paid out to the groups that won funding in the January 2024 vote, so those groups are hopefully all already well launched with their proposed projects. These projects run between April 2024 and 31 March 2025.

The £eith Chooses Steering Group (SG) has been busy writing a report and carrying out an evaluation of the 2023-2024 project, and as soon as that is signed off by City of Edinburgh Council (soon!), that will be posted publicly for all to read.

The SG has also been planning the next ’round’ of projects and voting, for 2024-2025, and updating the paperwork in preparation.

The Theme (provisionally, for now) is LEITH UNITING

The timescales are as follows:
16 August 2024 – £eith Chooses open for new applications
10 October 2024 – applications must be completed and submitted
January 2025 – Voting (online and in-person – exact dates to be confirmed)
by 31 March 2025 – all funds will be disbursed to project groups

Another job is to collect in the project reports from the projects that were voted for in 2023 and which ran from April 2023 – March 2024. We do not ask for much, in the way of reporting, so hopefully it is not too cumbersome for groups. It is really important though; groups that do not submit a report are ineligible to apply for funding again the following year